Quaker History

I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death, but an infinite ocean of light and love, which flowed over the ocean of darkness. - George Fox, 1624-1691

The Religious Society of Friends, also referred to as the Quaker Movement, arose in England in the middle of the seventeenth century. This was a time of turbulence and change in both religion and politics. In the established Church of England, great emphasis was placed upon outward ceremony. In churches such as the Baptists and Presbyterians, religious faith was generally identified with the authority of the Bible or the acceptance of a formal creed. Many individuals, however, became increasingly dissatisfied with ceremonies and creeds and broke away from these churches. Singly or in small groups, they turned inward in search of a religion of personal experience and direct communion with God. They rejected, therefore, the assumption that this communion, which is essential to spiritual health, occurs primarily in the presence of designated persons in an established religious institution using sacred language and rituals.

 The Religious Society of Friends was founded in England by George Fox. He and other early Quakers, or Friends, were persecuted for their beliefs, which included the idea that the presence of God exists in every person. Quakers rejected elaborate religious ceremonies, didn’t have official clergy and believed in spiritual equality for men and women. Quaker missionaries first arrived in America in the mid-1650s. Quakers, who practice pacifism, played a key role in both the abolitionist and women’s rights movements.

Quaker History Lesson – Abington Monthly Meeting


George Fox

In the 1640s, George Fox, then a young man and the son of a weaver, left his home in the English Midlands and traveled around the country on a spiritual quest. It was a time of religious turmoil in England, with people seeking reform in the Church of England or starting their own competing churches.

Over the course of his journey, as Fox met others searching for a more direct spiritual experience, he came to believe that the presence of God was found within people rather than in churches. He experienced what he referred to as “openings,” instances in which he felt God was talking directly to him.

Quaker Beliefs

Fox shared his religious beliefs and epiphanies with others, speaking to increasingly larger gatherings. Even though his views were viewed by some as a threat to society and he was jailed for blasphemy in 1650, Fox and other early Quakers continued to share their beliefs. 

In 1652, he met Margaret Fell, who went on to become another leader in the early Quaker movement. Her home, Swarthmoor Hall in northwest England, served as a gathering place for many of the first Quakers. Fox and Fell married in 1667.

Meanwhile, “Quaker” emerged as a derisive nickname for Fox and others who shared his belief in the biblical passage that people should "tremble at the Word of the Lord." The group eventually embraced the term, although their official name became Religious Society of Friends. Members are referred to as Friends or Quakers.

What Is a Quaker?

Quakerism continued to spread across Britain during the 1650s, and by 1660 there were around 50,000 Quakers, according to some estimates.

A number of Quaker beliefs were considered radical, such as the idea that women and men were spiritual equals, and women could speak out during worship. Quakers didn’t have official ministers or religious rituals. They opted not to use honorific titles such as “Your Lordship” and “My Lady.”

Based on their interpretation of the Bible, Quakers were pacifists and refused to take legal oaths. Central to their beliefs was the idea that everyone had the Light of Christ within them.

Fox spent much of the 1660s behind bars, and by the 1680s thousands of Quakers across the British Isles had suffered decades of whippings, torture and imprisonment.

Colonial Quakers

Quaker missionaries arrived in North America in the mid-1650s. The first was Elizabeth Harris, who visited Virginia and Maryland. By the early 1660s, more than 50 other Quakers had followed Harris.

However, as they moved throughout the colonies, they continued to face persecution in certain places, particularly in Puritan-dominated Massachusetts, where several Quakers - later known as the Boston Martyrs - were executed during the 1650s and 1660s.

Monuments Related to William Penn

William Penn

In 1681, King Charles II gave William Penn, a wealthy English Quaker, a large land grant in America to pay off a debt owed to his family. Penn, who had been jailed multiple times for his Quaker beliefs, went on to found Pennsylvania as a sanctuary for religious freedom and tolerance.

Within just a few years, several thousand Friends had moved to Pennsylvania from Britain.

Quakers were heavily involved in Pennsylvania’s new government and held positions of power in the first half of the 18th century, before deciding their political participation was forcing them to compromise some of their beliefs, including pacifism.


Quakers and Human Rights

The Quakers took up the cause of protecting Native Americans’ rights, creating schools and adoption centers. Relations between the two groups weren't always friendly, however, as many Quakers insisted upon Native American assimilation into Western culture.

Quakers were also early abolitionists. In 1758, Quakers in Philadelphia were ordered to stop buying and selling slaves. By the 1780s, all Quakers were barred from owning slaves.

In the 19th century, many of the leaders of the women’s suffrage movement in the United States were Quakers, including Lucretia Mott and Alice Paul.

* Source:  https://www.history.com/topics/immigration/history-of-quakerism

Hubb Manager, 11/29/2019
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The key that unlocks the door to the spiritual life belongs not to Peter, or to some other person, as an official. It belongs to the individual soul that finds the light, that discovers the truth, that sees the revelation of God and goes on living in the demonstration and power of it. - Rufus M. Jones

If you've never attended a Meeting for Worship, we hope you will come worship with us -- give it a try.   

Many have found help in viewing the "introductory" videos (below) to answer questions that might arise in expectation of a Quaker Meeting for Worship.   

Most Quaker meetings, at least in this part of country, are so-called "unprogrammed" meetings.
This means that our meetings for worship are not led by a minister, but are largely conducted in silence.  Typically, a Clerk or other Member of the Meeting will close worship with a simple "Good morning friends" but otherwise the meeting may be completely silent. 

Members and attenders are always invited to speak out of the silence with a message about their spiritual journey, although messages are not responded to directly .


A message has been described as a pebble tossed into a pond.  The resulting ripples are received by others in the meeting and may contribute to their own spiritual journeys. 


Videos About Quakerism 


While there is much to read on this website, if you are new to Quakerism, or have questions about deepening your faith, this list of videos may prove helpful.

QuakerSpeak issues new videos each week, so check back with this page frequently to learn more (or better yet, subscribe directly to QuakerSpeak and you will receive notification as each new video is released.

Some of our favorites are:


Quakerism Explained

9 Quaker Beliefs

9 Core Quaker BELIEFS

"There is a living, dynamic, spiritual presence at work in the world which is both within us and outside of us." 

As a lifelong Quaker, Arthur Larrabee was frustrated that he couldn’t answer the question, “What do Quakers believe?” So he set out to do just that.

The Difference Between Quaker Meeting
and Other Services

"We are a seeking faith community. We experience the space in which we can explore our spiritual journey. We are not offering answers, but trying to ask the right questions." 

How does Quaker Meeting compare to other Christian services? Quaker author Ben Pink Dandelion explores this question.

What Do Quakers BELIEVE?

"I believe that there is a spirit that delights to do no evil. A spirit that yearns for me to be happy and to be able to connect on deep levels with other people. A spirit that wants me to search and to find and to act. A spirit that wants me to be responsible and at the same time to be bold and take risks."

What do Quakers believe? As an experiential religion with no creed, there isn’t always an easy answer. We asked 26 Quakers about belief, and the resulting conversations were powerful.

Quaker Meeting: What to Expect


The Experience of Newcomers

I liked the principles that I see the Quakers standing for.... I like that there's not an authoritarian power structure and that everyone brings something to Quakerism.”

“My first Quaker Meeting was a wonderment. I remember walking into that meeting and feeling a power.”

What draws seekers to Quakerism, and what keeps them coming back? Philadelphia Yearly Meeting and QuakerSpeak asked seven people who have been attending Meeting for 2 years or less..

My First Time at Quaker Meeting

“My 1st impression of Quaker meeting was confusion. I really couldn't believe that people were uniting together in practice, not in dogma. This was literally incomprehensible to me. The fact that people believed different things and used different language and yet could come together to be a great community because they shared the same set of practices...”

What's it like to attend Quaker meeting for worship for the first time? We asked 6 Friends what they remember about their first experience.

Quaker Silence

"Silence is the ground out of which worship comes. The silence leaves the space for the sound, the whisper, even the noise of the spirit."

We asked a diverse group of Friends what they find most valuable about silence in Meeting for Worship. This is what they said.

The Quaker Experience


How Quaker Meeting Changed My LIFE

"What I like about the unprogrammed style is the power in the silence. The silence just allows the spirit to move within us. And when it does its very powerful and very enriching and uplifting."

Lidney Molnari was “church shopping” when he had an experience that spoke to his condition at Live Oak Friends Meeting in Houston, TX.
Leaving Quakerism BETTER-862x

Leaving Quakerism BETTER

"We are the inheritors of a tremendous history of people who of change the world. We should be willing to let people know who we are at that we still exist."

Norval Reece was giving a tour of his Quaker meetinghouse when someone asked, “What is this space used for now?” That’s when he realized we’ve got to do a better job of telling our story.

Quaker Process

ParkerPalmer - Clearness

Parker Palmer Explains a Clearness Committee

We have all kinds of sacred questions inside us, big questions of meaning like “What is the purpose of my life?” The Clearness Committee is a process invented by 17th century Quakers to help us find the answers to these questions.

n a Clearness Committee, a small group of people form a community around a focus person and use honest, open questions to help the focus person discern more clearly their own inner truth. In this video, Parker J. Palmer, renowned author, speaker and activist, explains Clearness Committees.
Quaker Glossary

Quaker Glossary

"Quakers have a set of vocabulary that can be useful and can be confusing to newcomers. Part of the reason that it exists is that, as a non-dogmatic religion, there are ways that things need to be framed that are both specific and broad.

"Meeting for Worship",“Monthly Meeting”, “Clerk”, “Convincement”, “Clearness”, “Minutes”... All these words mean something specific to Quakers! In this video we teamed up with Philadelphia Yearly Meeting to define 12 common Quaker terms.


Hubb Manager, 10/15/2019